Dry cleaning is an essential part of keeping your wardrobe in the best condition possible. Here are some of the advantages of getting your clothes dry cleaned:
- It’s less abrasive. The machine washing process—spinning in water, tossing in the dryer, being subject to heat—can wear down the fibers and material of your clothing over time. Plus, if you use the wrong detergent or bleach, you can often end up ruining your clothes. Dry cleaning, on the other hand, involves a solvent that is easy on the fabric.
- There’s no water. When you clean clothes in water, colors can run and fabrics often break down or shrink. Dry cleaning preserves the integrity of the garment far better than washing does, and there’s no risk of the appearance or size being altered.
- Finishing is done for you. Some of the real time investment in doing laundry comes in the ironing, folding, and hanging stages; and if you skimp there, clothes become wrinkled and disheveled. Dry cleaners take this step for you, and we make sure it’s professionally done.
- Items other than clothing can be dry cleaned. There are limitations in what you can put in the washing machine, however dry cleaners are able to treat a host of household items beyond clothing.
- Care for particular fabrics.One of the biggest risks in washing at home is how fabrics will respond. While some materials like cotton are generally safe, others like wool can go either way. Dry cleaning ensures that the fabric will be handled properly according to its needs, and it takes the burden off you to decide how to treat it.
- Odor removal. Certain types of odors, like those from smoke and water damage, are incredibly difficult to remove. Most dry cleaners have processes that can handle these dilemmas, even if the smell in question has been present for a long time.
- Stain removal. Similar to odors, stains that withstand most washings can often be eliminated during a trip to the cleaners.